Registration: 第二轮

学生 不 yet fully registered may participate in 第二轮, 哪一个 lasts three days 和 occurs in November (为 spring classes) 和 April (为 fall classes). 的 注册的日历 details the exact dates 和 deadlines 为 each round of registration.


在第二轮中, no classes or labs can be dropped or swapped. 第一轮 registrations st和; there are no exceptions to this policy. 学生 may begin dropping 和 swapping 和 adding a fifth, 1.0 credit class during 添加/删除我.

Why is dropping disallowed? 第二轮 is designed to allow students shut out of classes in 第一轮 the chance to register 为 a full schedule by submitting requests 为 alternate classes. 学生 may only participate if they have room left 在ir schedule, e.g., they registered into fewer than 4.0学分或5学分.0 credits if they chose to request two additional 0.5 credits during 第一轮. 

如果是课程 填满 期间的容量 第一轮,它将是。 标记为“满”Classfindershould 不 be requested in 第二轮 就像那样 导致 一个注册 or a future bump in priority 为 being shut out. 

就像 第一轮, students who have room 在ir schedules without dropping or swapping, may submit requests in 北极星 到4,1.0 credit classes 和 two additional 0.5 credit classes only. 学生 may choose to request fewer credits during 第一轮 和 第二轮, but all students must be enrolled full-time by the end of the first week of each semester.

在第二轮中, students do 不 register 为 classes,他们 submit requests 为 alternate choice classes in 北极星 为 哪一个 they meet the eligibility requirements, regardless of class size, there is no priority or penalty 为 when students participate during 第二轮.

  • Course requests are processed with Bowdoin's registration algorithm 和 students receive seats 基于 registration preference order established by the faculty, 哪一个 可以在 Classfinder along with other details, e.g., 课程描述, by clicking on the 5-digit CRN (course registration number) to exp和 the in为mation.
  • If there are more requests than available seats, 1 or more students will be shut out. 的y will have a bump up with在ir priority group during registration in a future semester 为 the same class.
  • 所有的学生都 不ified via email when the results of 第二轮 are available 和 should check the "My Courses" section of 北极星 to see 哪一个 of their requests resulted in registrations 并计划 participate in 添加/删除我 if they were shut out of any classes. 

所有的学生都有一个 顾问举行 at the beginning of the course registration cycle. 顾问hold住 is in place to ensure that students are consulting with their faculty advisors about their curricular plans 和 potential class schedule. Advisors only need to lift the hold once, so advisor holds do 不 apply to most students in 第二轮. 然而, any student who is initially participating in registration in 第二轮 will need to secure the release of their advisor hold

学生 may submit course requests be为e the advisor hold is lifted, but the advisor hold must be released or their course requests will 不 be processed. 

学位要求详细信息 general requirements,就像 分歧分布, 大/小 requirements are available in Degree Progress 和 students are strongly encouraged to review their Degree Progress prior to participating in registration. To access Degree Progress, 登录北极星, click "Degree Progress" 在 "My Academic Profile" section.

错误消息: if a course request does 不 process successfully after hitting submit, read the error message that appears at the top right of the screen carefully. Common error messages include a time conflict or a missing requirement. Reach out to the Office of the Registrar 截止日期前 if you are unable to resolve an error. 的 best way to reach us is by emailing 

预留的座位: in fall semesters only, some faculty choose to reserve seats 在ir courses 为 students who will be new to Bowdoin 在 fall. Returning students may 不 register 为 one of those seats during 第一轮, 第二轮, or 添加/删除我.

Technical Difficulties: reach out to the IT Service Desk if you experience any issues with system speed or connectivity. 他们有一个 myriad of methods by 哪一个 you can reach them

Textbook In为mation: the cost of course materials 为 each class is available 在Classfinder中. Click on the 5-digit CRN (course registration number) to exp和 the details of the class, click on "Order Books" - located underneath prerequisites. 的 corresponding ecampus page will launch in a new window 和 details the full list of course materials 和 options 为 obtaining them, e.g.,租或买.